Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Psychology of Speaking in Tongues

This is not a full regular book review, but more of an interaction with John P. Kildahl's The Psychology of Speaking in Tongues, published in 1972. There are many of Kildahl's observations with which I can concur based on my 55 years in Pentecostalism (I've been in Assembly of God churches my whole life, and am a fourth generation A/G member). But there are also other observations he makes where I feel his analysis is off, or simply doesn't take into consideration other possibilities. Of course, the book is over 50 years old now, and I'm sure Kildahl, were he alive today with access to more data and evidence, would likely reconsider some of his conclusions. 

My format in this article will primarily consist of citing a quote from the book, and then my response to the claims or conclusions that Kildahl makes.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Credibility as a teacher, take 3

I've been reading a book about prayer. Some of the points the author makes are good and needed. But there are examples of sloppy wording, or things that just don't line up with standard biblical scholarship, such that when people who are educated about the Bible (either formally in seminary or self-taught through extensive reading and study of scholarly sources) see these easy-to-avoid mistakes, it ends up with the author shooting himself in the foot when it comes to credibility. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

How not to engage online if you really want to inform people

I recently had an interaction in a thread on Facebook within a private group. I'm not sure how to describe it—talking past each other, talking in circles, or close-mindedness and unwillingness to interact in good faith. I admit I probably didn't do the best in my interaction (I can tend to be pedantic, especially when people aren't precise enough with their definitions), but the way my interlocutor carried himself is a good example of how not to handle a discussion if you actually want to have your point be considered.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

On Prayer

I recently saw a YouTube video where the guest was being interviewed about the importance of prayer. 

Now, prayer is definitely an essential part of living out the Christian faith. Jesus' disciples asked Him to teach them to pray, and He responded with what is popularly known as "The Lord's Prayer." Paul wrote in many of his letters about the importance of prayer.