Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Did Paul Blast the Corinthians in Front of the Whole World?

In a recent episode of the Unbelievable? podcast from Premier Christianity, Alex O’Connor hosted a conversation between Krish Kandiah and Megan Basham about Basham’s recent book Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda.

A bit after the 1:04:10 mark, Kandiah mentions that he wishes the points raised by Basham in her book had been an in-house discussion among Christians, including the individuals Basham cites as moving toward the left, before taking it before the wider world the way she did by writing and publishing the book. Kandiah wonders out loud whether a conversation between Basham and Karen Swallow Prior, or himself and Russell Moore, might have led to a way to find some common ground and a different way forward, rather than the online conflagration that has ensued the book’s release.

Basham responded that by that measure, we should be asking the Apostle Paul why he didn’t confront the Corinthians directly rather than in a letter that has been made available for the whole world to see.

Friday, September 13, 2024

More problems with meme theology

Many memes that are meant to be pithy, and maybe even inspirational, end up ignoring biblical theology in their efforts to make a point. I often refer to such statements as "bumper sticker theology." My Facebook friend Tony Belarmino calls the "Christian clichés and Pentecostal platitudes." They're those soundbites that are very tweetable or memorable, but because they're so brief (to make them easy to remember and repeat), they frequently are very surface-level, and end up failing to go deep enough to really get at the truth contained in Scripture.

One example is something I saw posted the other day quoting California megachurch pastor Bill Johnson:

The obvious implication here is that if you voice a complaint, then you're inviting Satan in.

It is certainly true that many times—especially during Israel's wandering in the wilderness—God takes them to task for complaining against Him and the leadership He had put in charge of guiding His people. Complaining for the sake of complaining, or getting one's own way, is definitely wrong, because it's manipulative, using the logic of the old adage that "the squeaky wheel gets the grease."

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Getting the metaphor wrong

I've seen this posted several times over the past week. And yes, I'm going on one of my pedantic flights of metaphoric correction here.

The tea bag is placed into the hot water, and the longer the bag is in the hot water, the more what is in the bag changes the water.

But the person being in the Word does not change the Scriptures (though there are plenty of people who try to alter and bend the Bible to match their own preconceptions and desires).

Friday, September 6, 2024

Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made Of

Last fall, I read a book by a Christian author on the subject of dream interpretation after seeing a lot of chatter on social media concerning the topic. My point in this post is not to call out a particular person, so I'm not going to name the book title or author. But I do feel that some of the assertions made in the book need to be addressed using biblical principles.

In the introduction, the author states that, while God definitely speaks our human languages, that it must really please Him when we make the effort to understand His "creative language of dreams." As someone who is fluent in Spanish as a second language, and has studied a bit of biblical Greek, I know a little about learning another language. Many people expect learning another language to be a simple matter of learning which word in the source language corresponds to which word in the target language, as though languages are just replacement ciphers. 

This misconception can lead to a lot of false starts and bad conclusions. Anyone who sets out to learn a second language quickly discovers that context is just as important as knowing a list. I've lost count of the times a native Spanish speaker has asked me, concerning an English word, "What does the _______ mean?" Probably 80% of the time, my immediate response is, "Can you tell me the sentence you saw it in?" because that one English word could have three or more Spanish equivalents, depending on the context in which it is being used. So, before we can think about learning the "dream language," we need to have an actual understanding of how languages work.